Product Details
Les nouvelles kamiks de Viivi (Viivi's New Kamiks), Level 9 is a leveled reader that uses a sequential story to introduce children to kamiks, a traditional boot Inuit have worn for hundreds of years. An explanatory note helps children understand what kamiks look like and why they are worn. All nine-year-old Viivi wants for her birthday is a pair of kamiks. These special books take a long time to make and also each person must take good care of their pair. Viivi sets out to prove to her parents that she is a responsible person who can now care for her boots. Each good deed she performs around the house still ends up with her parents saying she is too young. Working her way through a variety of tasks Viivi believes she has shown her responsible character. And her loving parents reward her endeavours with a pair of kamiks for her birthday. This reader published by Inhabit Education is part of their Nunavummi Reading Series. Written by Nadia Mike with colour illustrations by Ali Hinch have produced a fiction text with dialogue from the point of view of Viivi. Each page in this Level 8 book has 1 to 3 sentences per page with varied sentence length and complexity. Readers will enjoy the adventure of this humourous story. Inhabit Education has produced an excellent reading series that appeals to southern and northern elementary students and reading teachers. The books in this series are leveled according to the Fountas and Pinnell system. Fountas & Pinnell: I. Grade 2.